D-Blaze fire retardant treated wood and plywood applications

- For residential, commercial and institutional structures
- D-Blaze lumber and plywood are designed for interior wood framing and sheathing applications where fire retardant construction materials are specified or required by building code.
- IBC, IRC and NBC compliant. UL and ULC listed.
- Used in projects across North America, including the One World Trade Center
- Meets CA fire WUI building code requirements
Meets building codes with an acceptable substitute for non-combustible material

- Reduces sprinkler requirements
- Adds fire protection to light construction
- Lower installed cost vs. non-combustible materials
- Keeps fire contained within a unit - apartments, condos and malls
- Highly effective at slowing down the spread of flame and reducing smoke development as a result of fire, giving you and your family more time to escape
D-Blaze in non-combustible applications
- D-Blaze is not classified as non-combustible.
- Often can be used in specific components and/or locations as an alternative
- Limited use permitted in Type 1 and Type 2 construction
- Model codes permit use of FRT wood where combustible materials are not permitted.
D-Blaze increases design flexibility
- Using FRT panels on roof on both sides of common walls could reduce requirements for parapets, leading to a less commercial appearance and fewer roof penetrations. Parapets: IBC 2018 706.6 and IRC 2018 302.24.
- By using FRT panels in Type III, IV and V construction, walls may be permitted to terminate at the underside of combustible roof sheathing or decks, provided that roof openings are not less than four feet (1220 mm) from each side fo the fire wall. This allows for an unbroken continuous roof line.