As a feature of our News page, we are featuring questions we receive on treated lumber. Our experts have spent their careers in the treated wood industry and are available to answer any questions you may have. Our scientists, treated wood experts and field professionals can answer questions from wood biocides to how wood is pressure treated to installation concerns.
Questions come to us via our Ask the Expert and Consumer and Technical Support forms as well as via phone and email. Answers will be provided directly to you. Some questions, like the example below will be published in our Wood Chat blog to help others with the same questions.
Meet our experts here. Visit our FAQ page for more information on treated wood.
This question is from a homeowner in Florida who is replacing boards on their dock on a freshwater lake. Should he use the product Preserve CA-C?
And the answer is:

Since this is a fresh water lake, as long as the decking will not be submerged in the water and the water line is consistently below the band board, our EcoLife product could be utilized. A good rule of thumb to use is the decking should be above the water line consistently a minimum of six inches. If the decking will not be above the water line consistently then I would recommend the Preserve Product in a Ground Contact Use (UC4A).
Thank you again for contacting Viance and inquiring about our products. Happy Building.
Kind Regards,
Jonathan Whitehead, Eastern Region Sales

Dock photo courtesy of Dobbins Decks and Docks, Mooresville, NC.