Join us at the 105th Annual Railway Tie Association Symposium and Technical Conference
Monday, October 16, 2023 thru Thursday, October 19, 2023
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM EDT.
Stop by the Viance booth to learn about UltraTieTM with DCOI.

UltraTie with DCOI are new, treated wood railroad ties currently being evaluated by Short lines and Class 1 railroads.
UltraTie, like its cousin, UltraPole® NXT, provides long-term efficacy with low environmental impact. Treated with DCOI, both are the first major innovations in America’s infrastructure in decades.
UltraTie is currently standardized in the American Wood Protection Association (AWPA) Book of Standards for Coastal Douglas-fir, Western Hemlock, and Western Larch for UC categories UC4A, UC4B, and UC4C. Additionally, mixed hardwoods, Oak, Hickory, Southern and Ponderosa pine were unanimously approved by the AWPA T3 committee in 2023. Final approval is expected in January 2024.
Environmental Impact Compared to Available Alternatives
Compared to other materials such as galvanized steel, fiber reinforced composite or concrete, UltraTie uses less total energy, less fossil fuels and less water to manufacture while producing less acid rain, less greenhouse gases, less eutrophication, with lower ecotoxicity. DCOI is not a persistent organic pollutant
For more information, contact us at